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Is it possible to discuss directly with a developer ?


I'm a real fan of SN software since v3 and always upgraded to each new version. I just installed SN Pro Plus 7 and I would really like to talk with a developer now.  If one is ready to hear me, I would appreciate.




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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Andre,

    Please discuss your ideas about how to improve Starry Night 7 here.  We are listening and will reply.


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    André Vaillancourt

    Thanks for the reply Keiron.


    In the past, I already discussed with a team developer by email but seems my ideas never been implemented in the software. I juste upgraded to SNPP7 few days ago and only the -25% discount convinced me to do it. After looking  lot of feviews I was not very warm to spend $109 USD for this version. But now I did it, I'm now disapointed. First time ever I'm disapointed about a new upgrade of SN.

    My main concern is about the fact I can't get the same full screen mode as v6. Still the main upper menu visible and the left bottom corner field of view. I didn't find any way to have a clean full screen with only the sky. In v6, pressing F6, F7 an F8 was removing all menus, why not in this version ?

    My second big concern is about Pluto. How come nor in Sky Safari and SN you didn't add the two missing moons. Five moons are orbiting Pluto, not three. Also I find very very strange you have the freshly dicovered Trappist system added in this version but you don't have the newest hi definition image of Pluto from the recent space mission ?

    My third disapointment, I'm a great observer of Sirius B. How come Sky Safari has Sirius B and not SN7 ?  That is very bad to me as now you have 3D stars and Sirius B is now in a very favorable position for observing.

    Another thing I discussed in the past and still not adressed is about the spaceship. Seeing the images of space vessels, I was hopping some real 3D vessels implemented in this version to travel toward you fantastic 3D stars. Another big disapointment here. Do you know the fantastic free software 'Orbiter' ?  I don't wait for something like that simulating all physics, but a simple 3D cockpit with some buttons to push to accelerate to the destination to feel I'm in a spaceship. Also the main problem with your spaceship is the fact we can't do a nice flyby from a planet or star. There is no way to let the vessel traveling in a givin direction while looking the planet passing by like we would look by the window. If we turn our view to see the planet, the vessel follow this new direction. No amelioration since the first tiime you have added this spaceship. Very old technology.

    And what about free software Stellarium. How come this software offer more than your expansive software ?  It offer blinking stars, a very beautiful eyepiece simulator, simulate the moon shine affecting the sky illumination and more. You have the eyepiece field of view, but you don't mask the entire sky around like Stellalrium can do. This view is just like looking through a real eyepiece with stars blinking during poor seeing. How come you never implemented that in SN ?  How come my racing game Project Cars and old 2004 Flight simulator can do auroras and not SN ? Every  planetarium in the world are able to simulator auroras, why not you ?  And why you still use meteor showers radian and we can't see them falling for real ?  I always wish to have this option. I'm not sure yet, but I think Stellarium can do it ?

    And I would continue like that with my suggestions. But suggesting such things and never have them implemented version after version is quite frustrating and be sure I'm no more interested to upgrade now. The only thing would make me invest again would be a nice spaceship. I really like Orbiter and you should look at it. $109 USD in CND is very expensive for and upgrade. I agree, you have made a good improvement with the new 3D stars, that's a good addition but not worth the upgrade for me as some free software already offer this option on the Ipad. You need to seriously improve this software to keep our interest. As for now Sky Safari is more satisfying and less expensive.


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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Andre, 


    I can look into adding an option to hide the toolbar.  That is what was included in V6 that we do not have in V7.  The full screen options F7 is actually still the same as V6.  But, when you hide the toolbar as well there is nothing but sky on the screen.  I'll see if we can get this done.

    You'll be happy to know that Pluto's moons are making an appearance in the next 7.5.6 update which should be out before the end of the month :)

    I'll look in Sirius B as well.  Thanks for reporting this.

    You have lots of great ideas.  And, we can discuss more in a bit.  I'll be back soon.

  • 0
    André Vaillancourt

    Oh boy, now you make me happy.

    In v6 in full screen mode, we have to press Ctrl B to get back the control menu. I wish you can do the same with v7. Looking foward for new update. Hope you will take into consideration as many as you can my ideas to make SN the best ever astronomy software.

    Thanks Keiron.


  • 0
    André Vaillancourt


    You should add the same two menus from Sky Safari Pro 5 into SN. The two menus found in the upper left and right corner. They are so useful to adjust limited magnitude and to choose the field of view. Less we open windows, better it is for our eyes. Shortcut are always easier than menus.


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    André Vaillancourt


    I made a tutorial to show my method to do star hopping using Sky Safari and Stellarium. The video is in french but if you go a the 3rd minute, you will see how Stellarium represent the field of view with the blinking stars. Its what I dream to see in SN and even in Sky Safari to avoid using two softwares to show the same thing.





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    André Vaillancourt


    Here two old videos I did with Orbiter space simulator just to give you an idea how the spaceship works.

    Flyby of the moon from the cockpit view.

    Flyby of the moon and Earth for outside view.

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    André Vaillancourt

    Hi Keiron.


    Are you still there ?  Have you released the update mentionned earlier planned for the end of march ?




  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Andre, 

    I'm still here.  We have released the update for 7.5.6 :)  Did you get it?

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