I would like to see option for VR (virtual reality) goggles.
For example:
1. Exaggerated 3D perspective to view stars different distances. So different distances would be noticeable right away, not like in reality.
2. Exaggerated 3D view of nebulae position on the sky.
3. Even non exaggerated (non 3D - plane) view like in planetariums would be cool.
4. Fly through several different nebulae, just like Google Earth 'fly through' option.
5. Using VR goggles to simulate close distance to some nebulae and galaxies. So you could view the nebula/galaxy like they would fill the whole sky. It would be everywhere you look.
- 360° not interrupted form Earth, view of Milky Way would be cool too.
6. Virtual reality to use with printed target so you can rotate Solar System view in your hands, even planets like Saturn with its rings and moons. Just like the 'McLaren P1 app' but with generated sky.
- With this ability we could view the Pleiades in 3D and some other open and globular clusters.
You could make a whole new app out of this options, you already have the platform. It would be lovely to enjoy the beauty of the night sky in VR, to boldly go where no man has gone before.