this is a repost from a fairly old thread. Since this board doesn't show updated threads, I want to do a new post.
I just started using my iOptron Cube Pro with my MacBook Pro 2016 Touch Bar. The Cube has the 8401 controller.
I am able to connect SS Pro 5 either through USB from the Mac to the hand controller or using SkyFi USB, connected via USB to the h.c.
I've also controlled the Cube through SkyFi and iOS, on an iPhone 7.
There is no built-in wireless on the Cube Pro. iOptron has their own SkiFi external module. (SkyFi clone?)
On the comment about the 8401 dropping track when the slew buttons are pressed. I have not seen that in either sidereal or solar track mode. I have the Cube on an equatorial wedge, running in EQ mode. Maybe that's tne difference. But I have also run in Alt/Az and not noticed any issues. The HC is running version 90701w. The only issue I've seen is at high rates, the slew has an annoying "coast" after button release. Makes fine touches impossible.
So, what am I missing? The firmware is the original from 2014.