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NEQ 6 SynScan connection to Starry Night Pro 7

With the help of the Simulation Curriculum Corp team I've been able to connect Starry Night Pro 7 to my NEQ6 SynScan mount.

I believe the process will be the same for earlier versions of SN7 that support telescope control.

Here's how I did it

First - you'll need to ensure you have all the required ASCOM drivers and ASCOM itself installed before attempting to connect to your the mount (not discussed in detail here).

1. Download the SkyWatcher driver here:

or here

2. Connect your mount to your laptop via the SynScan hand controller (detailed process not discussed here but you'll normally need a serial to usb connector etc.) and go to Control Panel to see which port it's connected to - make a note of the number.

NOTE: Do NOT put your hand controller into "PC Direct Mode" (as you would with EQMod etc.) - this will prevent connection to SN7

3. Search for "Telescope Control" in Starry Night Pro 7 > under Setup click Congifure > select the SkyWatcher driver from the drop down list (ddl) > click Properties > select the port number noted above > complete the remaining fields in the properties window and click OK.

4. Finally, click Connect

The big thing to remember here is: do NOT put the hand controller into "PC Direct Mode"

I'm still testing this configuration, for instance, I need to update my hand controller to ensure I get full functionality out of SN7 as the SkyWatcher driver is built for the latest version of SynScan (you will see a warning when you hit OK on the properties window if your handset is out of date)

Hope that helps, and thanks to the Simulation Ciriculum Corp. team for their help with this.



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