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Observation List/Session Improvements

A few thoughts on how to improve observation lists.  I'm currently split between Sky Safari 5 Pro, Astroplanner (which is basically unsupported), and an Excel spreadsheet.  Idea is to use my Mac to plan lists and my dedicated red filmed iPad for the field.  Goal is to both plan observation sessions and also have a database of all my observations across plans, so I know if I've viewed an object before, and also allow me to have multiple observations of the same object.  Think Messier list. I want to view them all so I create an observation list to track which one's I've seen.  First night out I tick off M42 and add my observation notes.  Following week I view M42 again and have no place to add that observation since it's already used on my Messier List.  The following are more improvements I loved to see in SS6P.

Observation Lists

  • Ability to combine, separate out observation lists
  • Dynamic creation of lists (ex: Messier Objects visible from my location between these hours)
  • Observations aren't tied to list, but is a separate database.  This way I can have a Master list (ex: Messier objects) and can mark objects observed when I used a smaller list for a specific observing session


  • Track specific observation sessions (ex: set conditions, location, equipment for the session which would automatically be used for each observation during the session time)
  • Observations are stored in a separate database (see above on lists). Can quickly see all observations, or filter by time, location, equipment, object type, etc.
  • Pre-fill observation info from last observation (ex: scope, eyepiece, conditions)
  • Add rating system to each object, could be as simple as thumbs up or thumbs down
  • Have a check box for did not see (failed attempt)
  • Additional attributes stored on the object, conditions, or observation (moon age, position, object position based on time of observation, magnification used, TFoV, exit pupil, etc.

Syncing - I know this can be tricky, as things can get out of sync, but use iCloud (or custom built storage solution) to store master records and sync up and down is doable.  Maybe add this capability as a subscription feature.  I know I'd be willing to pay extra for this if the above capabilities were added.


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    Roberto Botero

    I would love to see some of these features too!  I observe double stars using custom lists in SS5 Pro. Whilst going through the Struve (STF, STT) catalog list available in SS5 (~4000 doubles), I have created sub-lists to concentrate in particular features: separation (<2", <5", wide), RA, Dec, colour, etc. I annotate my observations and it would be great if those observations could be populated/cross-referenced into/with the master list. 


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    Thumbs up for these ideas:

    Dynamic creation of lists (ex: Messier Objects visible from my location between these hours) - Would be nice to choose between M, NGC, Comets, Asteroids, etc. under a specific mag. within a range of altitudes, and even in a certain direction.

    First night out I tick off M42 and add my observation notes.  Following week I view M42 again and have no place to add that observation since it's already used on my Messier List. - I hate not being able to correctly log 2nd observations without having to add it to another list.


    I, too, keep my observations in an Excel sheet, and thus, have to pull up my observations and re-type them into Excel, including the date and time, as the other options just aren't feasible or faster.


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    Bill Tschumy


    It seems you can do much of what you want using Advanced Search.  You can specify Object Type, Mag, Altitude and Azimuth.



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    The advanced search, far as I can tell, only searches objects based on the current time, and not based on a specific time and location, as Sean suggested.  For example, if I want to plan an observing session for June 14, 2017, starting at 11pm through 2am, and I want to know what Comets will be up at that time, I can't do an advanced search with those parameters.  This would be great for Messiers too.  Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?



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    Bill Tschumy

    No, I think Advanced Search will use whatever time and location the chart is set to.  If you set it to 9 PM tonight and ask for all objects above 45 degrees, it will give objects above 45 degrees at 9 PM.  Same for location.

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    I think there must be a bug on the Android SS Pro then.  When I click on Comet Johnson > Info > Transit Clock, which sets the time to tonight at 23:23:52 in my location at 73 degrees altitude, then I do an advanced search for all comets between 70-90 degrees altitude with mag 6 to 10, I get no results.  Further, when I exit the advanced search results, my clock is set back to a strange time, 13:46:55 today.  No idea where that time came from, but it's not the transit time any longer.

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    Bill Tschumy

    Let me look at that.   Doesn't sound right, does it?

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    Bill Tschumy

    Yeah, there is a bug here somewhere.  It is working as I said on iOS but not Android.

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    Bill Tschumy

    I have just fixed this. Sorry about that.  When the Advanced Search view was brought up the saved current settings file was being re-read, setting the time to whenever the file was last saved.  The bug has been there for about a year and you are the first to notice it.  

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    Bill Tschumy

    It theory you can work around this by setting the time to your desired search time.  Then show and hide the main setting panel (this will save the current settings).  Now do the advanced search and it should use that saved search time.

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    Thanks Bill, the workaround did work.  Is this planning to be fixed in the next update?

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    Bill Tschumy

    Yes, this will be fixed in the next update.  Should be an a couple of weeks.

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    Eskil Swahn

    I am also interested in observation lists and to see them further enhanced. As it is now I find them a bit confusing. I try to make observation lists where I plan my upcoming observation lists but the lists get rather confusing when I document the actual observations at the scope since then the lists get filled with "more objects" with each object (Jupiter for example) appearing more than one time. With the actual observations stored independently from an object lists this would be a more intuitive approach. As it is now it is very hard to go back and try to figure out when I made the different observations of the same object.

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    Bill Tschumy



    I imagine what you are doing is choosing Add New Observation from the Object Info more button.  If the object is already in the observing list, it will add another instance, not add an observation to the one currently there.  I suspect that is why you are getting multiple instances.

    In SS6 we are going to have observations decoupled from observing lists (or at least only loosely coupled)..

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    Eskil Swahn

    Your description of what I am doing is quite correct. Is there anyway for me to avoid this behavior? Can I register two observations for example of Jupiter without getting Jupiter to show up twice in the same observation list?

    What will happen to my observation lists when you release SS6? Will they be consolidated in a correct way?

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    Bill Tschumy

    No, in SS5 you can only add to the existing observation by locating it in the list and further editing it.  If you want two independent observations in a list, you have to have the object in there twice.

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    Eskil Swahn

    Ok. I see. What will happen with my existing observation lists when you release SS6? Will they be migrated to the new format and multiple instances of objects will be resolved and migrated to the new format?

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    Bill Tschumy

    We will have some mechanism for migrating them.

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    Harro Treur

    Session: Default name ; Currently “untitled session “.
    1- can you add the actual date in the default name (title) ?
    2-possibility to define your own Default name . ( and if possible combined with the actual date).

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    Working on trying to transfer my year's worth of observations (around 400 observations during 40 observing sessions). I'm loving my rediscovery of Starry Night Pro 8. (I'm writing about it on Cloudy Nights and making videos about it on YouTube.) I'm enjoying it immensely. But I'll be honest - there are  couple of things that I wish it would do that would make it the "ultimate planetarium software for amateur and professional astronomer alike," if you ask me.

    1) I wish it could import files - of any kind. Excel, CSV, OAL... ANYTHING. It could be in LiveSky or in Starry Night directly, either one. When I brainstorm with the developers about this, it sounds like your new LiveSky developer might be able to work on this. May his friends rise up and call him blessed. We can't wait. I just wish it would be available tonight, Dec. 17, 2021. Writers above were asking for this sort of thing 4 years ago. It just cannot possibly happen quickly enough.

    2) It's a small thing... but I can't figure out how to sort by observation session name or date. This seems like such a basic need. Please ask the LiveSky guy at least to make that happen on LiveSky. But why can't it be inside Starry Night.

    3) It's a small thing... but would it be too much to ask it to show us a list of observation sessions with "plus-signs" that would expand, revealing the observation logs from that observation session? I wish it could do this insider Starry Night (not just in LiveSky). But even LiveSky would be better than nothing.

    4) Could it please count the number of sessions, number of observations, and number of objects observed?

    5) In general, it feels like the whole observation component needs beefed up. I can't paste into the observation note field. Starry Night appears not to allow it. An the Note field text box looks to be about 8 lines "long," but it only allows me to type in two lines. Is there a "max length" on the box that's supposed to hold notes? With deep respect, that's a super-short comment.


    These would get us started. Wow. I want to back this as an observing log tool. But it feels like I'm going to have to be honest and say - "It's basic, folks."

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    Keiron Smith


    Please copy and paste your suggestions/feature requests into the community forum here:

    Starry Night 8 | Feature Requests


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    Yes! Thank you!

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