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    Bill Tschumy

    Not sure I understand.  We have no hard limit where we stop show nebula outlines.  We do hide most DSOs at fields wider than about 40º.  You can disable this behavior by turning on "Show in Wide Fields" in the Deep Sky settings.

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    Alfred Leitgeb

    in my Starry Night Pro Plus  (windows 10) i can see the outline , may be Simeis 147 at FOV 3°x1° if i zoom out 4°x2° the outline disappear. in my Deep space settings i did not found "show in wide fields" 

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    Bill Tschumy

    You are posting in the SkySafari Feature Request forum.  This is not for Starry Night requests.  I will try to move it to the appropriate place.

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    Ron Kramer

    I would love an option to turn off or decrease the opacity of nebula lines.  I would rather see the image of the nebula at proper size for zoom factor as it shows me more what I will see or what scope I will nee for the desired field of view.   I understand the lines if no image or we're zoomed out so far that the image may not scale down properly. Maybe a toggle in the control bar to toggle these lines.  (sky safari 5 plus) is my current version.  I use it ONLY for imaging. I don't orbit or fly out to planet textures etc.  Though it is nice to have if I need to.


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    Ron Kramer

    oops my first time here - I appear to be in the wrong forum. I'll look around.  Sorry bout that.


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    Ron Kramer

    I entered the sky safari board - entered a outlines title it brought up a request already but tossed me into starry night forum?  = (

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