Hi there,
I have SkySafari 5 Pro and am using it a push-to controller for my telescope using the Nexus II from astrodevices. On the SkySafari display, it reads what the current azimuth and altitude coordinates are of the telescope, and it also reads the current azimuth and altitude coordinates of a selected object be it Saturn, Mars etc. I am hoping to be able to write a short program for an Arduino that essentially calculates the difference in distance of the target's coordinates and the current coordinates of the telescope. In order to do so, I require two pieces of information, the current coordinates of the target, from which I will subtract the current coordinates of the telescope. I was wondering if there is any possible way I can have the SkySafari App actually output those coordinates to another program? Or, if there is any program I can write that actually retrieves those coordinates from SkySafari in real-time?
I greatly appreciate your time and hope this makes some sense.
Kind Regards, Harry