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SkySafari Pro 5 OS-X night vision function not working

I'm using SkySafari Pro 5 on my MacBook Pro and can't get night vision mode to work properly. When I activate night vision, the entire screen goes to red but then everything but the main window returns to normal; the main window showing the sky remains red. I was thus unable to use the app while on our eclipse trip this past week because the glare was too much. I searched for settings that would perhaps turn the entire screen to red but found nothing. Please help.

Thank you,


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    Bill Tschumy


    What version of macOS are you running?

    All I can think of is that you have some other app running that is undoing our change.  On Mac we adjust the system gamma to make the screen red. This reddens things for all applications.  There is probably some other application or background process running that is fighting with us.

    You might try dialing all your login items (that automatically start up) and then restart your computer.  Before running anything else try night vision in SkySafari.  If that works then start re-enabling your login items to find which one is having the effect.

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    Blaine Snow

    Hi Bill... thanks for the suggestion about the app conflict because that's what it was. I've been running an app called f.lux that takes the blues/greens out of the screen as night time comes. I quit that app and now SkySafari night vision works correctly! 

    Thank you for your prompt response!  BTW - we're are just back from a great eclipse experience in north central Oregon - I hope you were able to enjoy it too. 


  • 0
    Bill Tschumy


    Glad it was something simple.

    I saw the eclipse from Casper, WY.  Quite spectacular.

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