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SkySafari 6 Pro | How to Transfer Files from SS 5 Pro to SS 6 Pro?

Hi I’ve just bought this.

How do I transfer files and settings from Sky Safari 5 Pro. Sky Safari 5 observing lists etc is backed up to iCloud, I can see this files in my ICloud Drive but can’t work out how to input them into Sky Safari 6 Pro.

Thanks Richard


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    Bill Tschumy

    You need to use iTunes File Sharing to move lists from iCloud into the Documents directory of SS6.  Apple makes it very difficult for one app to read another apps files (for privacy reasons).  That is why iTunes File Sharing is needed.

    We need to get some instructions for this onto the web site but this has been the way to move files from SS3 -> SS4; SS4 -> SS5 and now SS5 -> SS6.

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    Thanks Bill, I have done this before with previous versions. I was hoping I could do it without using the PC.

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    Ps I presume I could email them all as well?

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    Bill Tschumy

    We have recently leaned that Apple has implemented something called App Groups where apps within an app group can read each other files.  However, we didn't have time to implement it in SS6 and we would have to push out a new SS5 version with that change as well.  Maybe later.

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    Bill Tschumy

    You can email them from SS5 but you would still need to use iTune File Sharing to get them into SS6.

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    I’ve just emailed an observing list and was able to open it and save it in SS6. However it didn’t work with the equipment txt so I’ll have to use iTunes for that. Never mind :) 

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    Bill Tschumy

    Oh, that's right, you could email them and then open then in SS6 from the mail app.  I forgot that was another way.  You are right that this won't work for equipment since we don't import those via email.

    You might want to look into adding you equipment directly in Ss6.  We have large lists of built-in scopes, eyepieces, cameras that make it much easier to add equipment if it is a common type.

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    Ah OK, thanks for the tip I’ll have a look.

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    I do not have any menu to define equipment (scope, camera, eyepieces, etc.) in SS6 Pro, nor is there and Display option under The Telescope settings like in SS5 Pro.

    So how do I define those?




    SS6 Pro on iPad iOS 11

    SS5 Pro on iPad iOS 11

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    Hi Cray,

    The equipment is now in the observe section, one of the icons along the bottom

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    So it seems that in SS6 I can no longer access my own cloud storage iCloud or Google drives, only the Livesky cloud?  Is there no way we could have the option (like in SS5 to choose iCloud or Google drive) to use Livesky as well?  That would have made transition to 6 virtually seamless.

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    @Scooot: Thanks! Found it in the meantime. Should start reading the documentation :-)

    Happy Holidays!



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    James Wilson

    @Atnbirdie: So it seems that in SS6 I can no longer access my own cloud storage iCloud or Google drives, only the Livesky cloud?  Is there no way we could have the option (like in SS5 to choose iCloud or Google drive) to use Livesky as well?  That would have made transition to 6 virtually seamless.

    True.  I have it synched with my iPad and iPhone.  It's got everything it there but appears to throw things (scopes and lenses) that I don't have.  Plus it talks about an "affordable" Premium Membership (for the life of me I can't find the price of that 'affordable' membership - bad sign) if you want to do any real editing like creating and deleting Observation lists and Location files in the field.  I think we're getting the whole package at present to test how many of use use that feature, but I was very used to the old 'free' iCloud synching.



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    Hi, is there a way where I can see the SkySafari 6 Pro manual? I am interested to read a bit more on how the Planner function was implemented. Thank you

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    Bill Tschumy


    We have dropped support for iCloud and Google Drive in SS6.  This services were too limiting for the directions we are taking SkySafari and LiveSky.  I agree that keeping that would have made it easier to move your data (although not everyone used the cloud syncing), but there is a large amount of baggage associated with those services and we wanted to streamline the app.

    The "Premium" features should not be necessary to use SkySafari as you did in SS5.  The premium features let you edit lists and equipment from your desktop machine, but you can still do all that from the app itself, just like in SS5.  The premium level will also get you access to SkySafari running in a browser (you will be able to run SkySafari on Windows!!!).  This is not currently implemented but should be by the end of January when the premium pricing will start.

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    James Wilson

    Thanks Bill!!  Really love the update.  Just downloaded my iPad and connected to my LiveSky account and it's perfectly synched with my iPhone.  Need to study LiveSky a little more.



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    Bill Tschumy


    The manual can be found here:

    The Planner is very similar to the old "Advanced Search" .  However we have added the ability to set time ranges for your search so you can say things like "Find objects that will be between 30º and 60º altitude between 10 PM and 10PM", or "Find objects that will be between azimuth 170º and 190º between 6PM and 10 PM.

    We have also added the ability to search only within particular catalogs.  So if you wanted to find all Sharpless objects that match the above criteria, you can do that.


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    Bill, what’s the “Backup my data to cloud storage” toggle for? Is this referring to a Livesky Backup or ICloud Backup. I’ve registered with Livesky but can’t see any backups listed within it, or on ICloud? 

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    Bill Tschumy

    This is explained by tapping the little Help icon at the bottom of the screen.

    All your data (lists, equipment, FOV indicators, etc) are now stored in a database.  There is a local copy of the database on your device.  This is used when you don't have internet access.  However this database is optionally synced with our cloud database so you can see the same data from multiple devices or from LiveSky.

    If you turn off the "Backup My Data..." switch the the data is only stored locally and not pushed to our servers.  

    We recommend leaving Backup on.  We don't really keep any information about you that most people would consider private and, of course, the database itself has all the usual security precautions.

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    Hi Bill, thanks for the link to the manual. Very useful. I had a question about the search mechanism. If you want to search by a specific size of the object. For instance, There are some night sky objects that are a few degrees in size (i.e. 2 grees by 1.5 degrees) where other objects are a few arc seconds. Is there a way to search by size? And is there a way to see a quality of observing index (I.e. low quality under full moon or close to moon vs high quality of viewing with new moon)? Thank you

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    Bill Tschumy

    Just like the old Advanced Search, you can specify a "Size in arcmin".  I *think* this is the maximum dimension but I'd have to check the code to be sure.

    No, we don't consider things like the Moon phase to give a "visibility" index.  I know SkyTools does that and at some point we may want to emulate it.

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    Bill Tschumy


    All your data (observing list, equipment, FOV indicators) is now stored in a database locally on the device.  If you have the Backup option enabled (as we recommend) then that database is synced with our cloud database.  This allows you to easy sync between devices.  It also allows you to see, download and edit you lists and observations in a web browser on a desktop machine.

    If you go to LiveSky and  log into the same LiveSky account as your device is using, you should see all your data there.

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    Ah I see,

    thanks Bill

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    Ron Bokleman

    "We have dropped support for iCloud and Google Drive in SS6.  This services were too limiting for the directions we are taking SkySafari and LiveSky."

    What a crock.  I'm done with SkySafari.  I've had version 4, 5 and unfortunately just downgraded to 6.  I use to have a GREAT experience between my Mac and iPad.  Add an item to my observing list on my Mac and/or iOS and it was there on every device.  Limiting? How so?  The very fact that you guys disabled iCloud is unforgivable...and to provide no easy way to of migration without manually copying files?

    I'm NOT signing up for some other proprietary cloud synching service, at yet another premium price, where I will not be allowed direct file access to my files.  Sad to see a good product go down the drain...

    Very, very poor decision here.  The feedback on iTunes has been nearly 100% with this exact same sentiment, so I'm not alone here.

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    Ron Bokleman

    "You need to use iTunes File Sharing to move lists from iCloud into the Documents directory of SS6.  Apple makes it very difficult for one app to read another apps files (for privacy reasons).  That is why iTunes File Sharing is needed."


    Wow.  They shouldn't have been separate Apps in the first place and you should have kept the iCloud integration allowing people some WARNING of your direction rather than a HARD cutoff.  The development team here has made a grievous error not only in the so-called upgrade, upgrade process and lack of transparency, but has taken a major step backwards.


    Any of our other iOS apps simply upgrade in place and thus still would have had access to the same iCloud guys just wimped out.  You should have released an update to 5 that included SkyLive and explained why.  Then introduced 6 with the CLEAR intention of removing iCloud.  SkySafari 5 will be my last. 

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    Bill Tschumy

    Sorry you are unhappy.  This is exactly the same upgrade procedure we've been using for the last 9 years.

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    Ron Bokleman

    "The premium features let you edit lists and equipment from your desktop machine, but you can still do all that from the app itself, just like in SS5.  The premium level will also get you access to SkySafari running in a browser (you will be able to run SkySafari on Windows!!!).  This is not currently implemented but should be by the end of January when the premium pricing will start."

    I can edit my lists and equipment from SkySafari 5 Pro on my Mac now...and they sync fine with my iOS devices.  Now you're going to make us *PAY* for this feature?

    You guys have really, really missed the mark here....

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    Ron, you can still edit equipment and observing lists within SS6. Arguably creating observing lists has gotten better with the new Planner feature. During the beta, the SC   staff made it clear that gettin data in and out of the web site would always be free.

    That said, I share your opinion about the use of a website for such features -they should be part of the app, particularly at the Pro level.

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    Bill Tschumy

    I don't understand why you are missing the point.  The app can still edit your observing lists and observations.  You *do not* need to use LiveSky for this.  LiveSky is an added bonus, allowing you to work on your lists and observations from a desktop machine with a real keyboard.  We have not taken anything way and made you pay for it.

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