Apologies if this has been asked before, but Mizar B does not seem to show correctly in either 5 or 6 Pro. The separation should be 14" I believe, but there is only a secondary shown at 0.6". Any thoughts?
StuartTMDavis Just to add, this info is correct in 4 Pro so data seems wrong after that. Thanks
Bill Tschumy I am discussing this with the person responsible for the database to see what can be done.
Bill Tschumy Stuart,
This is a hard problem and it is not clear how to solve it right now. Mizar is a multiple star system (not just a binary). There is Mizar A & Mizar B. Each of those has its own companion Aa and Bb. This is sort of like the Double Double (Epsilon Lyrae). When you select Mizar you are actually selecting either the A pair or the B pair. The separation shown at the top of the Object Info is for the Aa or Bb pair. If you have Pro and scroll down to the Components section on the Object Info we do correctly show the separation of the AB pair.
We realize this is confusing but we don't have a simple solution for it at this time. We will keep thinking about it. It is on our TODO list.
StuartTMDavis Hi Bill,
Thanks for looking into this. I don't think 6 even shows Mizar B, whereas 4 does. Not sure if I can send screen shots here, but if I look on the two versions, 4 Pro shows the star in the correct place at the correct distance, whereas 6 Pro shows the secondary at a different separation angle and at the 0.6" distance. It is a different star, not Mizar B so could the database just be incorrect?
Happy to send you screenshots showing what I mean if it helps.
Bill Tschumy Yeah, I see what you mean. We will take a look at this but we probably won't have a solution immediately. Thanks for reporting this.
StuartTMDavis Thanks Bill
Zoltán Belső It does not seems to be as simple as "When you select Mizar you are actually selecting either the A pair or the B pair": When you search for "Mizar" you get two results, both named "Mizar - Zeta UMa", one with Mag 2.2, the other with Mag 3.8. Here you can select one or the other, but regardless you got a double star with 0.7" separations.If you center your view on that and zoom in, you got Mizar A and Mizar B really close to each other. Definitelly not at the correct 14" separation.
Beside that on the info page you can scroll down to "Components", and you see a lots of componens here. I expected Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb but instead there is AD and Ca, Cb, and AC, but no Ba,Bb. For AB there is a correct 14.4". Also for AC it say 706,9", which is good for C being Alcor. I have no idea what D is (maybe HD 116798?). But there is nothing at 0.7" separation here.
Roger Nelson Mizar is a popular double with outreach groups. Being able to show how the double star splits with the use SkySafari would be a bonus.
Can you say whether the problem with Mizar A/B within my copy of SkySafari 6 Plus has been sorted in your new 7 Pro version.
A brilliant program I would like on my Desktop.
Pedro Braganca Hi Roger - I created a ticket (#1638) so we have a record of this request and can follow up on it. Generally we do not edit public catalogs - I Imagine this info is not included or accurate in the catalog we are using. But it is on my radar now and i'll make sure we do look at it. Thank you.
Theresamarie11 Any update here. I found this while looking last night. Mizar an and b do not show up correctly. The spacing of Mizar an and b is not reflected accurately. It shows 2 different Mizar entries both with 0.8 spacing. I know it’s a quad system, but there must be a better way to show this data than just show it inaccurately as 0.8 second spacing.