OK, so new (to me) Celestron CGX mount, HC: GEM 5.31.9200, MC: 7.17.0025, running SkySafari 6 Pro and Skyfi 3 to IpadPro 11", and I am getting the ever popular
error popup: "SkySafari 6 Pro can make a wireless network connection to the scope, but the scope is not responding......"
I have done an alignment, HC confirms saying "Alignment sucess", double checked the scope type setting "Celestron AVX/CGE/CGEM/CGX", and mount type
"Alt-Az Goto", tried both 2 or 4 per second readout rates, port#4030, and 3 different USB cables between the Skyfi and the hand controller. The only possible glitch I have seen is the Auto-Detect Skyfi sometimes says "not found" and other times the correct IP address Not certain where to go from here, so suggestions would be appreciated!