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How To Track The Sun Using A Celestron Scope? (Answer: Read The Celestron Manual)

i have skysafari pro 7 on Ipad air. i have solar filters on both the main tube and the laser sight.  I am trying figure out if there is a way to
track the Sun? 


  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Celestron scopes have a solar-alignment procedure.  Please review the Celestron manual.

    Watch MANY YouTube videos about aligning on, tracking, and imaging the Sun.

    Be careful!  

    The potential danger, and risk of personal injury, from making an error in procedure, is significant!

  • 0
    Rob Bleistein

    I have tried using the hand controller and had a little bit of success with it, but ultimately I couldnt get it to stay on track for more than 10 mind.

    So no way to do it with safari 7?

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    Keiron Smith

    If you're using Celestron WiFi the you can align using SkySafari 7 Plus/Pro.

    But, this does achieve a better alignment than what you can get using the hand controller.

    Contact Celestron Support for more assistance with accurate alignments.


  • 0
    Rob Bleistein

    i am using Celestron WiFi with SkySafari 7pro and not seeing a way to track the sun with it.  Where in the manual does it explain how to do this?

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