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Celestron Electronic Focuser issue, sky portal link and refund or upgrade process.

Why are you still selling SS6 if you are not going to support it?  One hour ago, I paid $25 dollars for SS6.  Please view this link.   The link clearly states that 6 months ago you clearly quit supporting SS6.  Trust me, I would have been happy to pay the $5 for a supported app.   You really should fix the SkyPortal app which to take you to SS7 and not SS6.  Please vie the picture below it is kind of deceptive don't you think?    

Two Questions:

  1. Did you fix this issue SS7 pro?
  2. How do I get a refund / or an upgrade to SS7? 


Plese note what I highlighted in yellow below:

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      You really should fix the SkyPortal app to take you to SS7 and not SS6.  Please view the picture it is kind of deceptive don't you think?    

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