In SkySafari 6 Pro for MacOS, seems the field of view items in Scope Display are jumbled. Clicking on one entry shows the FoV for a different one. Works OK on Plus for iOS. Is there an easy way to blow away all the items and start over?
Keiron Smith Zolt,
Please provide the following info:
- App and version
- MacOS
- Screenshot.
You can try reinstalling the app. This would require you to login to LiveSky again. This would re-sync all your data.
Zolt Levay SkySafari 6 Pro (6.8.2), MacOS Ventura (13.1). I reinstalled the app and logged in to LiveSky.
Keiron Smith Please confirm this for me, when you add a checkmark, enabling one FOV another different FOV (from your list) also gets a checkmark as well, also getting enabled?
Zolt Levay Yes. First the checkmark appears for the one I select and another FoV appears but not the one I selected. Then if I scroll the list, the checkmark has disappeared from the FoV I originally selected.
Keiron Smith Zolt,
I tried deleting my FOVs and adding them again, and that seems to have fixed it.
Is that a possible solution for you too?