Hi there I have been experimenting with ASCOM Remote server and have managed to create a driver to allow connectivity to my ASA DDM85 Mount, well at least the ASCOM driver associated with the mount, the mount itself is in the process of being assembled in my observatory. When I attempt to connect via SkySafari, I get the following error:
Connection Failure
SkySafari 7 Pro can make a wireless network connection to the Alpaca server, but the scope returned error "'System.__ComObject' does not contain a definition for 'AxisRates'.
I know that the current ASA DDM85 ASCOM driver does work as I have successfully driven the mount via Stellarium using this driver. Here are the logs from ASCOM Remote:
Device Telescope 0 (AstrooptikServer.Telescope) connected OK and is available
ASCOM Remote Alpaca device listening URI:
Listening for IPv4 discovery broadcasts on port 32227.
IPv6 discovery not enabled.
Server started successfully.
GET /management/apiversions
GET /management/v1/configureddevices
PUT /api/v1/telescope/0/connected
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canslewasync
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canslewaltazasync
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/cansync
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/cansyncaltaz
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canpark
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/cansettracking
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canmoveaxis
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/canmoveaxis
GET /api/v1/telescope/0/axisrates