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How To Align Using Stars In The West Using Celestron WiFi? (Answer: Contact Celestron Support As They Write The WiFi Alignment Code)

I recently bought a Sky Portal Wi-Fi module as a back up to other alignment methods on my CGX-XL mount.  In running either Sky Safar iPro or Celestron's Sky Portal app (which I believe is really just a version of Sky Safari--and I do like the quick access to ASPA) there appears to be no way to start the alignment with stars in the Western half of the sky.  It asks for a star in the east and then produces an error message if you try to select a star in the West.  Obviously in cases where the Eastern horizon is blocked, this poses an insurmountable obstacle to aligning the scope.  I checked online (and posted on CN) but have not found any information.  Obviously on the hand controller it is a simple method to switch to either half of the sky.  Is there a way to start in the West (and, despite potentially less overall accuracy) simply use Western starts for alignment if required by conditions?

Thank you.


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    Keiron Smith


    Celestron writes and maintains the code relevant to Celestron WiFi and all alignments possible using our apps.

    Yes, SkyPortal is a cutdown version of SkySafari.

    Please contact Celestron Support with this query.

    Phone: 1-800-421-9649

    Please reply here with the info and solutions they provide.


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    Robbin Conner

    Thank Keiron.  I put in a request to Celestron tech support over the phone on Thursday.  Let's see what they say.

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    Robbin Conner

    Well I heard back from Celestron technical support who followed up with the developers after tech support confirmed the issue.  Apparently there is no way to align other than starting in the East and they have no plans to alter this alignment procedure--so I guess it falls into the "it's a feature not a bug" category.  I suppose given all the other equatorial alignment tools available (including their soon to be available StarSense guide scope) this is just not a priority but it remains in my mind a terrible design decision--and needlessly limits the utility of using sky portal.

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