I recently bought a Sky Portal Wi-Fi module as a back up to other alignment methods on my CGX-XL mount. In running either Sky Safar iPro or Celestron's Sky Portal app (which I believe is really just a version of Sky Safari--and I do like the quick access to ASPA) there appears to be no way to start the alignment with stars in the Western half of the sky. It asks for a star in the east and then produces an error message if you try to select a star in the West. Obviously in cases where the Eastern horizon is blocked, this poses an insurmountable obstacle to aligning the scope. I checked online (and posted on CN) but have not found any information. Obviously on the hand controller it is a simple method to switch to either half of the sky. Is there a way to start in the West (and, despite potentially less overall accuracy) simply use Western starts for alignment if required by conditions?
Thank you.