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How To Resolve The EQMOD "SyncToTarget() RaDec Sync Was Rejected" Error? (Answer: Read On!)

I use SN6 Pro as my main astronomy application for astrophotography. Recently I've updated the ASCOM Platform and the EQMOD software to the latest versions for Win 10.

All was good until I started to align my scope using Sync to Target function of SN. After doing so an error popped up "SyncToTarget() RaDec sync was rejected" and the EQMOD shut down disconnecting SN from the scope. I also have SN8 and the result was the same. I reinstalled all the applications – no fix. I installed fresh set on a new computer - no fix.

After 2 days of struggle trying different things I narrowed down the problem to EQMOD by itself. I found old EQMOD version in my archive (dated 2011) installed it and... problem solved, fix found!

All works again on both versions of Starry Night. If you encounter the same issue look for older EQMOD software and you should be good.


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    Keiron Smith

    Thank you, Jerr, for sharing your solution with our community!

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    Stephen Olson

    Is there a link to get the old version? Driving me nuts I cant find it



    thx steve

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    Hi Steve,

    Look for an old Ascom platform.

    In case not successful I still keep mine safe.

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