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[UX Issue]* Objects Not Sorting Correctly By Rise Or Set Time

Hello - I’m new to backyard observing and new to SkySafari, so please excuse if this is a total noob problem I’m running into. I’ve made an observing list for later this week and asked it to sort by set time. This is because I’m trying to look at things near an artificial horizon in the west early in the night. On the desktop version when I do that it comes up with random results. Seems to have the latest setting item at the top and soonest on the bottom (would be better the other way but that’s fine). However, it doesn’t actually seem to be in order of setting time even then. For instance, it seems to be saying these will set in this order for this week (from Southern US): moon, pinwheel galaxy, Mars, Maia nebula. Seems to just jump back and forth from what will actually happen. On the iPhone version, it doesn’t seem to even let me choose that as a sort option and defaults to azimuth instead. Any tips would be appreciated.


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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith

    Please update to 6.8.0 and let us know if this issue has been resolved for you.

    Thanks, Andrew!

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    Andrew Gilman

    Hi Keiron - yes that seems to have fixed it for the desktop version.  Thank you!


    The iPhone app still seems to have issues, however.  When tapping the gear labeled "Actions & Settings" to set a sort method, I'll select an option but when I tap back to go to the list, underneath where it says "Actions & Settings" it will say "Sorted by: ..." and then a selection that I did not select.  For instance, when I choose Set Time it will say "Sorted by Azimuth" or if I choose Azimuth it will say "Sorted by Transit Time".  In neither circumstance (selecting Set Time and it saying Azimuth or selecting Altitude and it saying Set time) will it actually have the correctly ordered set times.

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    Keiron Smith

    An excellent result, Andrew!

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