When constructing my possible targets for astrophotography, apparent size is an important criterion. It would be enormously beneficial if one could search for objects by apparent size. For example, for a given telescope and camera setup, the Andromeda Galaxy, with it's apparent size of 177.8 x 69.7 arcmin, is too big to image. On the other hand, the Horsehead Nebula, with it's apparent size of 6 x 4 arcmin, is too small. It is quite tedious going through the entire list of "Tonight's Best" and reviewing all the apparent sizes to finally figure out what I can image.
1 comment
Dlucas Hello! Claude, I've just been rediscovering Starry Night Pro. This past Sunday night was my first time in recent days to use it as my primary planetarium program, scope control, and observation logging solution. Your point -- being able to search by apparent size -- just came up Sunday night! The first three targets were such small objects for my scope (which is a fairly wide field RASA 11) that they were essentially all but star-points. I would have needed 2000+ focal length to see them. Yet, when searching, there was essentially NOTHING that informed me of this. Plus one in a big way on your request.
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