I switched to a CEM26 from a CEM25P, I got the integrated WiFi, but lost the integrated GPS. I thought it shouldn't matter that much if an app can set Time/Location via WiFi, right?
It took me a few minutes to connect to SkySafari 6 Plus (I had to figure out that the CEM120 option worked, which was not my first try), but one of the main functions I wanted the connection for doesn't work properly: I get Location set automatically, and, technically, Time too, but with a very hard to use time zone:
I am on BST, so it should be UTC+60. When I did the conversion, the time was actually correct, so I guess I could sort of just "trust" it? I am not Rain Man to be able to verify it's right at a glance...
Anyway this can work properly? Don't see any other option other the CEM120 that works, and from the name of that option I guess it was made before the new CEM26/GEM28 were out, so perhaps they will be officially supported in an update? If there's something else I can try, even better.