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[UX Issue]* Issues With SkySafari 6.8.1 + Astro-Physics Mach 2 On macOS Sierra

Hello Sky Safari forum,

I'm a licensed owner of Sky Safari 6 Pro for my Macbook Pro, using OS Sierra. I also have Sky Safari Plus for my iPhone SE (OS 14.4). I use it with the relatively new Astro-Physics Mach2 mount. I was happy to see the update that accommodated the Mach2.

However, I've found a glitch in Sky Safari 6 Pro version 6.8.1 for OSX. It happens when I command the Mach 2 mount to disconnect.
1. When I request to park in its current position, it does, but stays connected.
2. When I request it to go to Park 3, it disconnects in what ever place it is pointing, and not to Park 3.
3. When I request it to disconnect at Park 4, it disconnects and slews to Park 3.
4. When I ask it to find Home, it disconnects and and then slews to Park 4.

Despite the mix-up in commands, the mount does reconnect and accurately follows commands to any star or object.

My IOS iPhone version of Sky Safari 6 Plus, v6.8.2, does not have this problem. Each disconnection command is accurately followed. Please pass this along to the appropriate team.


Ernie Mastroianni, Milwaukee


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