There is an asterism depicted with orange lines in the constellation Virgo called simply "Diamond." It's a nice-looking diamond that connects Spica (Alpha Virginis) with three stars that are close to magnitude 3: Heze (Zeta Virginis), Vindemiatrix (Epsilon Virginis), and Porrima (Gamma Virginis).
I cannot find any reference to this "Diamond" asterism anywhere on line. I think that this was supposed to be the "Great Diamond" or the "Diamond of Virgo," a very famous asterism that is documented thoroughly (e.g.,, which the Sky Safari app does not depict. The Great Diamond consists of Spica and three very prominent stars, Denebola, Cor Caroli, and Arcturus.
There is also a much lesser-known and very small "Diamond" asterism in Virgo in the same region, roughly between Porrima and Zaniah (Eta Virginis), which is quite faint and does not seem to be in the app's catalog. I don't recommend adding it, but it may have been another possible source of confusion.
Can you please replace the Spica–Heze–Vindemiatrix–Porrima "Diamond" with the well-known "Great Diamond" (Spica, Denebola, Cor Caroli, and Arcturus)? Thank you!
Soli Deo gloria