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How Come Displayed Celestial Coordinates Results Are Still Those For The Current Date, Not The Adjusted Date? (Answer: User Found Solution)

When I set the time/date to a different date in order to get celestial coordinates, the displayed results are still those for the current date, not the adjusted date - even though the displayed sky image shifted appropriately.

Is there a way to display the 'celestial coordinates' for different times of my choosing when I click on the 'info' display for an object (e.g. Jupiter)?


  • 0
    Dan Platt

    Some more detail:  I'm using SkySafari 6 Plus, and SkySafari Pro.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Please make a screen recording that demonstrates this issue.

    Link to the screen recording using DropBox or similar service.


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Please also provide the following info:

    1. App and verison
    2. OS version
    3. Device make and model


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    App and version > see Help > scroll to the bottom.

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    Dan Platt

    Hi Keiron,

    Thank you!  While I was getting ready to submit, I did some double-checks to make sure I was producing something replicable, and I found everything working well.  Further, starting with an hour angle & declination, I could work back to right ascensionl (JNow), then to eclipic longitude and latitude J2000 that matched to within a few secs of arc, so I am content with things, and trust the results.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Excellent, Dan!

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