Ever since Android 12, various OS updates, and SynScan App updates Running SynScan in the background has been broken or requires much added attention.
I think I have finally found something that works well with very little extra attention needed. I also think I read that you have to do this on Apple devices.
Run the apps on separate devices. On device one run SynScan. The screen timeout is set to the device max and the screen is set to stay on when charging or the app is set to stay open.
Connect to and align with device #1. On device 2 run SkySafari. Connect and align as normal. SynScan is not running in the background so the disconnect issue isn't an issue anymore.
If you're curious see the how-to: https://support.simulationcurriculum.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6996228847895--User-Guide-How-To-Connect-SS7-Plus-Pro-To-The-Orion-SkyQuest-XXG-and-SkyWatcher-SynScan-Dob-On-Android-OS?page=1#community_comment_17255780672791
Since losing the function in SynScan, for the most part, SkySafari has become more of a Planetarium app.
Since going to 2 devices the enjoyment has returned and once again I am using SS7 Pro (I'm on the Beta) to it's fullest again.
My setup: Scope: Orion XX12G Go-To with built-in WiFi
Device 1: Google Pixel 3XL Android 10 Synscan Pro version 1.19.6
Device 2: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Android 13/OneUI 5.1 (going to 14 once the Beta is out) SkySafari 7 Pro version Beta
Honestly, I don't know why I didn't think of this before......