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How To Use A FOV To Frame A Target In SkySafari 7 Pro? (Answer: Read On!)

Can anybody help with the steps in how to view a target using the FOV with my equipment? I have my equipment entered but don’t find it intuitive to use the FOV.

For example, If I see a potential target and want to see how it would frame with my telescope and camera, is there any easy way to do this?


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    Yes it's possible and it works. Which version of SkySafari are you using? Setup is different for different versions. I'm most familiar with 6-Pro and 7-Pro.

    It's pretty much a three step process. First you define your various equipment specs. SS remembers these lists (scope f/ratio and focal length, camera sensor, etc.). Then you create your setups (specific combinations of scope, reducer, camera), then you assign FOV frame colors (each setup can have a different color) and finally you tap each setup ON or OFF. You can have more than one FOV frame on at a time - each one with a different color.

    I'm pretty sure the specific instructions and steps are in the HELP file within SkySafari. I think that's how I learned.

    Once you've created your setups, it fairly easy to switch FOV frames. Or you can have several on at the same time.

    Once you've selected the FOV frame/s you want displayed, it's automatic. The FOV frames are always centered. So select an object, center it, and zoom in until you see the FOV frame/s around the object.

    Hope that helps and gets you started.

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    I am using SS 7 Pro.  Thank you for your help here.

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    OK. You start by tapping the OBSERVE icon at the bottom. Then tap the last item, MY EQUIPMENT. This is where you create a list of your imaging equipment (scopes, reducers, Barlows, cameras, eyepieces). You can choose from predefined lists of common equipment and/ or add custom equipment that's not on the lists.

    Once you have your equipment list and SAVE it, you go back to the OBSERVE icon and tap SCOPE DISPLAY. This is where you combine your equipment into specific configurations and create the FOV list. This is where you pick the FOV frame color and turn it ON or OFF.

    This should get you going.

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    Got it! Thank you so much! One last question:

    In the equipment section, SS Pro asks for sensor width and height in pixels instead of mm. For example, the ZWO ASI2600 camera, what would the sensor width and height in pixels be? Also it asks for pixel width and height. Are those both 3.76 microns?

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    According to the camera specs. I found, sensor width is 6248, height is 4176 and pixel size is. 3.76 x 3.76 microns.

    NOTE, these specs. are for 1x1 binning. If you change binning, all those specs change accordingly.

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