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How Come In-App Purchases Fail To Download With 2TB iCloud Storage? (Answer: IAPs Need Local Storage Space Not iCloud Storage Space - Make Space On Your iPhone)

In SkySafari 6 Pro, all the in-app purchases except for the H-R diagram fail to download. This is probably due to failure to play nicely with Apple's iCloud storage. I have 2Tb of iCloud storage. Apple shows the iCloud storage for the phone (iPhone 13 mini, iOS 17.0.2) as 397.1 Gb of 2 Tb. The iPhone's physical storage is 256 Gb. I have not been able to download the in-app purchases since I increased my iCloud account from 200 Gb to 2 Tb. I have no idea how much free local, physical storage the phone has because Apple hides that inside the total for iCloud storage. 

Apple doesn't give me a way to delete iCloud storage items just from the phone and not from the cloud -- the only option is to "delete from iCloud". I need access to everything I have in iCloud from my MacBook, so "delete from iCloud" isn't an option. On the MacBook I have the choice of whether to delete a file from local download or from iCloud, but there doesn't seem to be any way to choose that from the iPhone: it's all in the cloud and supposedly "just works".

I probably won't upgrade to SkySafari 7 unless this bug is fixed in 7. 


  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    In iPhone Settings > General > iPhone Storage 

    You will see a breakdown of apps and photos on your phone, and how much space they are using.

    You can choose to "offload" or "delete" the apps to create more space.

    This is not a bug in SkySafari.  Thanks!

  • 0
    Ellen McGowen

    According to this I have 49.56 GB of iPhone storage unused. Which means my guess that iCloud was using all the free space was wrong.

    Removing SkySafari 6 and reinstalling it allowed me to reinstall the in-app purchases. 



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