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Hw Come The Slew Rate And Slew Buttons Don't Work When Connecting SS7 to ASCOM Remote For An EQ6/EQMod?

Hi All,

I've just installed ASCOM Remote (latest version, on top of latest ASCOM version, and latest EQMod version) to give me an Alpaca interface into my EQ6 controlled by EQMod.  SS7 Pro connects absolutely fine after I setup an Alpaca connection, and Gotos work like a charm, as does readout of the scope position when I slew using EQMod or similar.

The issue is that the slew buttons on SS7 Pro dont work at all, and the Slew Rate is stuck at 4 - again unresponsive.  This is from iPad, iPhone or Mac.

I've found a few things on the support forum, but some using AlpacaScope rather than ASCOM remote.

Any suggestions?  It's frustrating that it's the only thing that just doesn't seem to work.

1 comment

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    It would be helpful if you could provide all the following info:

    1. App(s) and version(s).  For SS7, see Help > scroll to the bottom.
    2. iOS version.
    3. iOS device.
    4. Screenshots of all app configuration panels.
    5. Photos of setup.
    6. Etc.

    This info is important for reproducing the issue, developers will want to know every detail if they're going to explore the issue further.



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