Should I Complete A 2 Star Auto Alignment Using The Celestron Hand Controller Before Connecting With SkySafari 7 Pro? (Answer: If NOT Using Celestron WiFi, The Answer To This Question Is Yes - Read On!)
I am new to using a Celestron NexStar 6SE and the SkySafari 7 Pro app for iOS. I need help with the workflow. If I use the NexStar hand control to do an alignment before opening the SkySafari app, what are the steps for using SkySafari? This is my guess. Please correct me if necessary. Using the Celestron hand control, slew to a known object. Open the SkySafari app, click “connect,” tap on the known object (from above) on the app’s star map screen, and click on “align” to sync the telescope with the app. Will the GoTo’s be accurate at this point using the app? In other words, can I do the alignment with the Celestron hand control and then control the telescope using the SkySafari app? All comments are welcome. Thanks. Gordon