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What's The Aperture Area M^2 And MS?

I'm using an Orion 8 in. newt. on a lxd55 mount with 497 autostar hbx , I have gotten a lil' bit farther reading what  other users have done. I finally setup in utilities but, still not quite there yet. I don't know what the aperture area is or something about ms in another area pertaining to scope view. I really need help with this , it's almost there this time around.

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    Bill Tschumy



    I'm a bit confused by what you're trying to do and where you are seeing this?  Are you trying to set up your Equipment?  All we ask for there for the scope is the aperture and focal length.  Your aperture is 200mm and the focal length is1200mm.

    If you are referring to something else, you will need to clarify what you are doing.

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