In the Orion Special Edition of Starry Night, the Zoom box on the top-right showed current magnification in "magnification units" (not sure what it's really called but it looked like 48x, 96x, 400x, etc.). With the Pro version, this does not seem to be possible; I am stuck with width x height in degrees/minutes/seconds. I'd like to have the option to switch units, or show a combination of both.
Ingo Heide I think it could be helpful if the user could define the 1x magnification as width x height in the options and the 48x, 96x, 400x etc. would be derived from this.
Anyway could this option be simulated with the combination of telescope and eyepiece in the FOVs.
Kind Regards
Ingo Heide
Kenneth Green I agree with Ingo. I would like to be able to type in the power of my own telescope, or just the eyepiece size and the scope length so it could calculate any telescope's view on a dark night. That way I can simulate my own telescope any time of the day or night at any weather condition. Or to make it easier, just provide an equation or program to calculate, the difference between Starry Night's current Zoom magnification to any size of telescope.
Alexander Kuksov I found the magnification indicator in Starry Night Orion special edition very useful too. Now that I own Starry Night Pro 6 I really miss that option. The degrees option does not make any sense to me at all.
Ken Holtgrewe Aren't we due for an upgrade? When's Starry Night Pro 7 coming out? I admit, I haven't looked in a while...