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Crosshairs for FOVs

Hello !

I often print search maps for "field use" with the object of my interest (e.g. M51 or some comet) centered in the FOV of my finderscope. I still add manually a crosshair aligned to north-south-direction to the printout in order to reflect the crosshairs of my finderscope. It really improves the search. If north-south-aligned crosshairs could be implemented in the display of FOVs in a future update I think a lot of people would find it useful.


Kind Regards


Ingo Heide


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    Ingo Heide

    I could imagine this feature as a checkbox to the FOVs.

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    Agree. This is a very useful feature to keep track of direction when star hopping to a destination. Sky Safari enables it in the Display -> FOV window as Crosshairs and Cardinal Directions with on/off toggle. I expected to find it in Starry Night V8 but have not found it yet. As of October 18, 2020 I do not see a response to your suggestion. I'll vote for it - I use it all the time.

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    Just checking. Developers have not responded to this request as of 6/1/21. Seems a simple thing, cross hairs and cardinal directions on the FOV. If anyone out there sees this request, please comment below to help bring it to the attention of the developers.

    Kind Regards

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