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The Star of Bethlehem (dvd)

The Star of Bethlehem DVD

Quotes about the dvd include: "well-researched and reasonable..." "models the scientific method at its best..." "this explanation of the Star is compelling..."

The author Frederick A. Larson has inspired many like-minded and curious Starry Night users to use the program for their own fact-finding investigation.

If you are one of these like-minded archeo-astronomers, feel free to share your discoveries, ask questions, and meet other like yourself, here is the Starry Night Forum. 


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    I am one of  those folks that purchased Starry Night to confirm Mr. Larson's intrriguing "Star of Bethelem" DVD. Myfirst  question is,  How do I remove the brown .shadow on Venus' surface when it is in conjunction with Jupiter on June 17, 2 BC, between the hours of 8 to 10 PM, as viewed from Babylon, Iraq?  My second question is, How can i figure out the last and next times that a Jupiter-Venus conjunction occurred in Leo? If the conjunction in Leo is  rare, it would reinforce the suggestion that it was the reason why the Maji traveled  from Babylon tio Jerusalem.


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    Brendan McKenna

    Hi Keiron, can you tell me which of the versions of Starry Night software best supports seeing the Star of Bethlehem simulated on a Windows PC (Windows 10).  I would like to scroll back and forth in time so I can see Jupiter retrograding around Regulus in Leo and then moving on to join Venus  some months later.

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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Brendan, 

    All the programs should be able to do this.

    Mr. Larson uses Starry Night Pro in his video, which can simulate stars 99,999 years into the past and future. 

    See more about the differences here:


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