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Starry Night User-Created Panorama Competition - Rules and Regulations

Starry Night Panorama Competition Rules


1. Competition submissions can only be made by registered users of the Simulation Curriculum support website.

2.  All panoramas entered into the competition become the property of Simulation Curriculum Corporation.

2. All competition entries must be submitted by the method outlined under "Starry Night Panorama Competition Method of Submission".
          a) No entries will be accepted by any other method.
          b) Entires that cannot be submitted using the official method, for any reason, technical or otherwise, are considered void and ineligible.
          c) Entires that are found to be misplaced, deleted, or missing after submission, for any reason, technical or otherwise, are considered void and ineligible.
          d) Entires that are found to be incompatible or non-functional with any and all Starry Night software, for any reason, technical or otherwise, are the repair responsibility of the entrant, and are otherwise considered to be void and ineligible.

3. Simulation Curriculum support administrators reserve the right to disqualify, without notice, for any reason, and without appeal, any competition submission.

4.  Simulation Curriculum support administrators reserve the right to cancel, suspend or modify, without notice, for any reason, and without appeal, the entire competition.

5. Only registered users of the Simulation Curriculum support website can vote for their favorite panorama. The top five panoramas (as determined by the most votes) will be considered finalists in the competition.

6. Simulation Curriculum support administrators will select a 1st place winner and a 2nd place winner from the pool of five finalists. 

7. All panoramas submitted can, in their original form, be downloaded, installed, shared, linked to, and distributed online, or any other format, by anyone who finds access to them.

8. The deadline for all submissions and voting is 11:00pm, June 30th 2012.

9. Any clarification regarding either the competition rules or the competiton method of submission can be made in writing, by submitting a request with the support website. Please put "Panorama Competition" in the subject line.

10.  By entering the contest, entrants agree to abide by the contest rules.

Prizes Available:

1st Place Prize: Starry Night Pro Plus 6.4.3 (downloadable version)

2nd Place Prize: Starry Night Pro 6.4.3 (downloadable version)

Odds of winning depend on number of entries. 


Starry Night Panorama Competition Method of Submission



3. For the title of the article put "Panorama Competition - [name of your panorama]"

4. For the text of the article please tell us a little about why and how you chose to make this panorama (this is not required, but would be nice for everyone).

5. If you have any special instructions regarding your panorama this is the place to share it.

6. Click "Attach file"

a) Attach a Starry Night Version 6 compatible 360 degree panorama .psd (or .png - whatever you want so long as it is compatible)
b) Attach an accompanying text file.
c) Attach an accompanying preview image.

Starry Night Panorama Competition Voting


1. To vote for a panorama simply click on any competition entry article found in the Starry Night User Created Panorama Competition forum.
2. Press the vote button.


1 comment

  • 0

    How do I vote?

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