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Starlink satellite visibility?

I am a night photographer who often images satellites. A year ago SkySafari would show all Starlink satellites in the sky, but the app (iOS and web) no longer shows these satellites. I know that I can search "Starlink" and pick a satellite from the search and it will show up, but only recent launches seem to show up in the search results.

For people interested in actually identifying satellites (which SkySafari was EXCELLENT for a year ago), it is actually necessary to be able to see (in SkySafari) ALL the satellites in the sky, otherwise it is IMPOSSIBLE to identify any given satellite. Although I do understand that keeping up with all the launches is difficult and showing all the satellites at once is busy, doing so is the only way to be ACCURATE as to what we are seeing in the night sky. I would suggest adding a checkbox for "See Starlink Satellites" that can be turned on/off by user. Also, you could include only satellites that have reached operational altitude (~6 months after launch) to simplify things, although this would prevent seeing new launch 'Starlink Trains'.


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