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How Come Moon, Planets, Asteroids And Comets Are Not In The Database? (Answer: Be Sure To Accept Prompt To Install Extra Data On First Run Of SS7)

This is the faiure: when I try to search for the Moon, planets, asteroids or comets a message says No objects found to display. Matybe a database file is missing. How to get the objetcs back?

I have a screen capture to show. This is a image from the video:

My Cell phone: Samsung Galaxy A50 SM-A505G Android 11. My tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite works normally.


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    Keiron Smith


    When you start the app first time, you should be prompted to install extra data.  If you skipped this extra step then it will be missing from your app.

    I suggest reinstalling the app.  

    And, look for the prompt to install extra data on the first run.


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    Celso Montalvo

    Hello Keiron,


    Yesterday night, while I was at a dark site, without having to reinstall, after starting the app, the screen suddenly appeared cluttered with names of comets and maybe asteroids (also with names of deep sky objects), as the seeting for Planet Magnitude setting was 20. After reviewing and changing the setting to 14.4 (Pluto's magnitude) SS7 appeared to be able to search again correctly for the Moon, Planets, comets and asteroids. I also noticed that in the Solar System setting page it said the Minor Body Orbit Data was last updated June 06,2024 07:59:18pm. As I said, before that I did nothing. Probably the updating was automatic. Also, some other settings were activated when I usually have the not activated like proper names of stars, constellations lines both traditional and modern,

    Thank You.

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