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SNP+8 Equipment and Field of View Indicators

I have owned SNP+8 for quite a while and installed it on a MBP M1Pro but hardly used it as I by far prefer the user interface of SNP+6 that I use on an older iMac. 

Way back I upgraded to SNP+7 but it just kept crashing all the time and was quite slow when working so I went back to using version 6 without problems.

First question: Version 6 has stopped updating the Data files (Starry Night Pro Plus was unable to update any files at this time. Please try again later). Is there anything I can do or is it that my OSX 10.9.5 is suddenly to old for the downloads?

Second question: In SNP+6 I entered the telescopes, lenses, cameras, Barlows and eyepieces just once then the "FOV" Pane let me display the correct FOV using any combination of equipment on the fly. This is a great feature that facilitates the planning of my photographic sessions. 

In SNP+8 I am under the impression that I have to define all the combination of equipment one-by-one. I own 7 telescopes, 6 CCDs, one DSLR, 4 Barlows, quite a few eyepieces and many lenses. If I were to register all the combinations of my equipment one-by-one it would make for thousands of entries which is just not an option. Is there some pane that I am not aware of that let me use the FOV indicator the way it worked in SNP+6?

Third question: When zooming in on the Moon and then panning around, SNP starts streaming files to display the moons surface which takes a lot of time. Is it possible to download the surface files so that they are locally stored on my hard drive and instantly available?

Thanks for your help


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