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iOptron HAZ31: Handcontroller does not sync with Skysafari

I have sucessfully connect Skysafari on an iPad with my iOptron HAZ31 (using the CEM120 option in setup). It connects to the telescope, and know where the scope is pointing. But if I use Skysafari to slew to a new object, the mount does not seem to realize that it has moved: the hand-controller still shows the old object, and I have to re-align the mount. Any help would be appreciated.


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    Michael Levy

    I decided I had to be systematic in investigating this. So I set up the mount (no scope, just the mount), and ran the auto-align using the sun. Then I connected SkySafari Pro from my iPad. Almost instant connection. I then touched Jupiter and "GoTo" on SkySafari. The mount slewed to Jupiter (of course this is approximate: I was not testing accuracy, and it is 10am here!). Although the hand control showed "Sun", which is wrong, it did show the correct coordinates. When I hit the enter button on the hand control, nothing happened, but if I went back to the "Select and Slew" on the hand control, chose the sun, and slewed to it, all worked as expected.
    I then connected the hand control to my MacBook Pro using the supplied USB cable, and ran SkySafari on it. (There was one crash - see below). Once I had setup the telescope (CEM120, use USB, no driver installation needed), the behaviour was the same as the iPad over wireless.
    So in conclusion, there are bugs: one in HAZ31, and one in SkySafari. Both are minor.
    There is a (minor) bug in the HAZ31 software: When slewing from SkySafari, the HAZ31 software correctly updates the RA/Dec coordinates, but does not change the object name that is displayed.
    There is a minor bug in SkySafari: it crashed when I tried to connect to the mount before I setup the telescope. (my bad, but should be fixed).
    I should have tried all this while observing, but it is all easier to do in daylight. I hope this explanation will help anyone else with an iOptron mount who may see the same issue.

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    Have the issues been fixed yet or have you found a work around? They're a big inconvenience for me.

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