Here's the response from the Nexus Pro people;
If you set the Mount Type in SkySafari’s settings to ‘Alt-Az. GoTo’ then you will be able to select your target and tap on the ‘GOTO’ button on the telescope control panel. Then if you go to Find->From Planetarium on Nexus DSC Pro the screen will show directions to the target selected in SkySafari. Please note that if you are in Find->From Catalogue mode the screen will also show directions to the new target but the information for the currently selected in Nexus DSC Pro object will be incorrect (for example, if you selected M31 and then in SkySafari you selected M81 and tapped on GoTo then the distance on Nexus DSC Pro’s screen will be showing where M81 is but the text in the top left corner will still show M31). Hence it is best to go to Find->From Planetarium in order to avoid the confusion.