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How Come After Careful Alignment Using The Orion XX14G + SynScan Hand Controller, After Connecting With SkySafari Every Object Needs To Be Re-Aligned? (Need More Info)

Careful alignment with 9mm reticle eyepiece allows my synscan to put objects in the field of view with my Orion xx14g and 10mm ethos eyepiece. But when I then switch over to sky safari pro 5 via sky fi it is rare that the object is in the eyepiece. Usually very close but far enough away that a random search is needed to find it, which defeats the whole point. Every object needs to be "re-aligned" and that doesn't help with the next object. How do I analyze what is going on and correct it?
Thanks Ken


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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Ken, 

    Did you ever get this resolved?


  • 0

    No, never resolved.


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