I am a happy Skysafari6 Pro User on IOS. Today I tried to export my observations from LiveSky. I have logged 891 observations so far. LiveSky and the IOS App show them all. When I try to export to OAL via LiveSky I receive only exactly 100 Observations in the resulting OAL file. I also tried receiving my Observations as csv. This results in 116 Observations. Can you please have a look. Apart from that I discovered some further potential xml problems. Most important one is the time format i.e. <begin>2016-08-05T22:46:57.336Z</begin> I guess the ".336" are milliseconds? The OAL import on ObservationManager throws a string parsing exception. I was able to recover it by manually removing those via some regex in a texteditor. Another one was that the xml had multiple exactly the same definitions for one <target>
Thank you for looking into it.