The website lists the price of SkySafari 5 Pro as $6.99, but the Apple App Store lists it as $14.99. What's the correct price?
Keiron Smith Official comment Hi Harry,
Please purchase SkySafari 6 for iOS. The price for SS6 Plus is now $14.99 USD. The price for SS6 Pro is now $39.99 USD
Harry Boswell Sorry, I meant Plus, not Pro. Do I need to buy separate installs for my iPhone and iPad?
Bill Tschumy We had a sale going on last month and it has ended. Apparently we need to adjust the prices on the web site.
Just like all iOS apps, you only need to purchase it once and you can then install it on all your iOS devices.
Harry Boswell Bummer, wish I'd caught the sale. I got excited for a moment there.
John Winsor Hi I got a price of 19.99 usd for SkySafari 6 Pro pop up as I already have SkySafari 5 pro. This pop up did not come back and now it appears the price has gone up , is there any way of getting that price / pop up to appear.
Bill Tschumy Sorry, the sale is now over.