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SkySafari 5 Pro | Galaxy S8 + SkyFi 3 + Orion SkyWizard 3 Connection Fail (Solution: Needs More Info)


I received an new SkyFi 3 that I ordered directly from you. I'm having difficulty getting it to talk to my 20" dobsonian via an Orion Sky Wizard 3. Here are the steps that I'm following on my Galaxy S8+ with SkySafari Pro, ver installed:

1) Go to Settings, Telescope\Setup
2) In Scope Type -- selected Orion Sky Wizard
3) In Mount Type -- selected Alt-Az. Push-To
4) Selected "Connected via WiFi
a) Enabled "Auto-detect SkyFi" -- App acknowledges by showing "(Detected at:"
b) SkyFi Name = "SkyFi"
c) Port Number = "4030"
5) SkyFi Web Page shows all default values, I am running Firmware Version 1.3.3
a) Wireless Mode is set to "Access Point" with Device Name set to "SkyFi", I don't have a password, DHCP is enabled and the Channel is set to "Auto"

When I click on "Connect" from the main SkySafari page it attempts connectivity then throws the following error:

I've verified via oscilloscope that communication from my Sky Wizard 3 --> SkyFi is occurring and it's wired correctly for the Transmit, Receive and Ground.

Please let me know asap if you have any ideas.



  • 0
    Bill Tschumy


    Sounds like you are doing everything correct.  I'm not too familiar with the SkyWizard, but you might check the instruction manual to see if there is a mode you need to put it in to accept commands over the RS-232 interface.

    Where did your serial cable come from?  I know you said you verified it was wired correctly, but that is a common problem.  We have the pinouts for the SkyWizard on this page:

    The SkyWizard is the same as the AstroMaster.

    Although this is not the source of your problem, I'd recommend turning OFF Auto-Detect SkyFi.  This is only needed when you are having the SkyFi join an existing network and don't know the IP address that has been assigned it.  In Access Point mode it just slows things down a bit.

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    Randy Allen

    Hi Bill,


    I made the cable myself. I've got the necessary tools, connectors (RJ-11), as well as a large roll of silver satin phone cord. Using my oscilloscope I was able to verify both TX/RX and Ground:

    From/To SkyFi 3

    From/To Sky Wizard 3

    Verified pin-outs for the DB-9 female with both TX/RX To/From that connector.

  • 0
    Randy Allen


    I neglected to mention that when making the cable and doing the pin-outs on the DB-9 that I did reference both the SkyFi 3 and SkyWizard 3 owners manuals for the proper wiring.

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    Bill Tschumy


    I'm not sure what to tell you.  I just verified that SkySafari 5 correctly talks to my AstroMaster DSCs via SkyFi.    I was able to do this with the scope type set to either Celestron AstroMaster or Orion SkyWizard.  So I think the possibilities are:

    1. The cable is really not correct even thought you have verified it.

    2. There is a problem with your DSC RS-232 port.

    Have you ever used other software to control the mount with this cable and the RS-232 port.  You could try installing Stellarium on a PC to se if it can talk to the SkyWizard using your hardware combination.

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    Randy Allen

    I was able to connect the Sky Wizard 3 to Stellarium this evening on COM Port 3 using a USB/Serial adapter. It would appear that the connectivity via the cable is working. My dob is not at my house though, only the Sky Wizard 3 and the SkyFi, I'll have to continue this test when I'm able to get back to the dark sky site. 

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    Bill Tschumy


    This seems to imply that either the RS-232 port on the SkyFi is not working or that you have something configured incorrectly in SkySafari.

    In the Mount Setup, do you have "Get Automatically" enabled for the encoder resolution?  If so, try turning that off and enter the resolution manually.


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