I finally had a nice - but cold - night observing the Moon with SS6 and SkyFi. I had a terrific time, but it also showed a number of problems with SS6. Perhaps you are acquainted with the "Lunar 100", which is a baedeker of things you should see on the Moon. I have made an observing list with these objects - or most of them, because there are a couple that are not in the SS6 database, and a couple that are too general to be in the database - and I highlighted this list. It turned out that as the Moon is moving across the sky, the highlights stay where they were, so after an hour or so, you have the Moon in one place, and the 90 or so highlights bunched in the black sky somewhere else!
I set my Skywatcher telescope to "Lunar Tracking", and the telescope control worked like a charm, centering the desired feature even when it was just a little distance from the previous feature - except for one problem: the alignment drifted all the time, and I believe it is because SS6 is not aware of the Lunar Tracking but assumes Sidereal Tracking. I fixed this pressing Align before each GoTo next object.
Another problem was that whenever I left SkySafari to look at another app, such as the PDF I have with the description of the Lunar 100, SkySafari "went wild" when I returned, and moved some distance away from the Moon. I could freeze the movement by tapping the screen while it happened. Otherwise I would have to zoom out to find the Moon and zoom back in again. I think I could have pressed Align to cause it to move back to the selected feature, but I did not think of it, so I did not try.