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Orion StarSeeker IV + SN7 Directional Pad (Greyed Out); But Can Right Click And Slew To Object

I own an Orion StarSeeker IV telescope and I have purchased Starry Night V7 Pro Plus application to use with the telescope.  I love the app but the one reason I purchased it was to use the telescope pc/controller feature.  The problem I'm having is I can't manually (using the telescope Control carrot buttons) to move the telescope.  I can right click on a object and select "slew to xxx" which is fine but I would like to be able to use the remote carrot keys to move it manually.  I have downloaded the correct telescope driver (SkyWatcher SynScan Mount Controller) and it still doesn't work.  I even read a post on here that said to use the Celestron telescope when configuring the remote for Orion telescopes and this still didn't correct the issue.  The only carrot button that works is the stop button.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks....


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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Robert, 

    The Ascom driver says "The SynScan Hand Controller version must be 3.38 or 4.38 or later to get full functionality but limited functionality should be available for all HC versions."

    What firmware are you running in the hand controller?


  • 0
    Robert Bennsky

    I am running the latest version (4.39) and the arrows are not greyed out.  They show as active but when you press on them nothing happens.  The only one that works is the stop button.

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    Keiron Smith

    What COM port do you have selected?

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    Robert Bennsky

    I'm using com port 3.  Im also getting the message "SkyWatcher drive unrecognized model #162"

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    Keiron Smith

    Where do you get that message?  Please attach a screenshot with your desktop in the background.  Thanks!

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    Robert Bennsky

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    Robert Bennsky


    Also, the HC control window doesn't work the telescope.  You can push N,S,E, and W but nothing happens.  I have received messages saying that I needed to upgrade my SynScan software, but it is up to date at version 4.39.  It's as if the Starry Night software doesn't recognize my up-to-date version of SynScan.

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    Keiron Smith

    Except I believe the HC control window is an Ascom control panel.  And, if that panel does not work, then then issue is with Ascom.

    "SkyWatcher driver, unrecognized model #162" <<< suggests that the issue is with the Ascom driver - though I wouldn't know what that issue is.

    I suggest reinstalling Ascom platform and the SkyWatcher driver.

    Also, do you have another PC?  Install SN7 again, Ascom & driver, and see if you run into the same issue.

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