I've used to control the telescope with the SkySafari iOS app by setting the IP address and port and configuring the app for "Meade LX-200 Classic". There's a small application on a raspberry pi which processes the LX-200 commands and sends them to the telescope.
This used to work fine in the past but stopped working recently, and I'm trying to figure out why.
It seems the problem is with the :RS# command. This command expects no response according to the LX-200 protocol, but as soon as the app sends this command, the communication stops working. For :GR# or :GD#, for example, it seems to work fine. The commands arrive and responses get sent back.
Did anything change with respect to how the server side should react to :RS#, for example, should it shutdown the socket (send TCP FIN), or send a special "EOF" character?
Thank you and greetings,