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[Request] SkySafari 6 Pro iOS Manual In PDF Format

I can get to the HTML web-based manual for SkySafari Pro 6 for iOS, but I cannot locate the manual for SkySafari Pro 6 for Mac OS. Can you please let me know where I can find it? Also, I would very much like downloadable PDF versions of the manuals for SkySafari Pro 6, for both iOS and Mac OS, please. How can I obtain the PDF versions for local offline reading & reference? Thank you.



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    Keiron Smith Official comment

    Hi Stargazers! 

    The PDF version is here:

    The Mac Pages version is here:

    A MASSIVE thank you to Mark Force for creating the SkySafari 6 iOS Manual in PDF format.


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    Bill Tschumy

    I believe we are still working on the Mac manual in PDF format.

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    Okay, so can I please get the iOS manual in PDF format?

    Also, secondary to obtaining the iOS manual in PDF format (please), any idea when the macOS manual will be available in PDF format?


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    Again, can I PLEASE get the iOS manual in PDF format?

    Also, secondary to obtaining the iOS manual in PDF format (PLEASE), any idea when the macOS manual will be available in PDF format?

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    Hi folks,

    I just finished compiling all the current html files into one pdf. No edits, just formatting for consistency.  I was planning to put in a table of contents this evening (need cloudy weather to do that) and then read it. It always helps to proof 8^)

    I should ask the Simmulation Curriculum for permission before I post it somewhere. Or do I need to do so?

    +Bill et al

    Do I do that here?

    clear nights all!

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    Bill Tschumy

    Keiron has been working on it and said it was almost done.  We are at a company meeting near NEAF and won't be back to normal work until next week.  We should be able to get it posted then if not before.

    I would appreciate your not posting the unofficial version anywhere although I understand your frustration that this has taken so long.

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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Mark,

    You are welcome to post anywhere.  We would like to host the files on the support site too.  Thanks soooo much for compiling the manual into PDF!

    Please send a copy to ksmith at

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    Bill Tschumy

    I guess Keiron and my responses "crossed in the mail".  I will defer to him.


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    Hi folks,

    I just emailed Keiron a zip file containing the pdf and the source doc. It was compiled in Mac Pages v7.

    Enjoy and clear night skies!

    Kind regards,

    Mark Force

    Okanagan BC

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    This PDF of the "SkySafari 6 | User Manual for iOS and Android"  is very helpful, thank you!

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    Jean Bernard Minster

    Wonderful.  Is there a version (Pages or prefereable PDF) for SS Pro 7 (iOS)   That would help me a lot!!   Best-  Bernard

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    Keiron Smith
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