I bought skysafari6 plus plus because in the comparison chart it says"wired and wireless telescope control". I'm trying to control my c8se with sky safari 6 plus and my MacBook Pro with no luck. how do I connect them.
Bill Tschumy You can connect wirelessly using something like our SkyFi adapter:
You can also connect via a cable. If the Celestron hand controller has a USB-mini jack on the bottom then all you need is the appropriate serial cable. If there is an RS-232 jack on the bottom (looks sort of like a phone jack), then you will need a USB-to-RS-232 adapter (KeySpan is recommended). You will also need a Celestron serial cable if you don't have one. We sell them on our store:
Please read through the Help on scope control for more information.
Glenn Noonan I have all the cables and have been using nexremote on my pc to remotely run the Celestine with no problem. The cable and connection is good. With I hook up to MacBook Pro , nothing.
Bill Tschumy Glenn,
When you go to the Telescope > Setup screen, do you see your USB-to-Serial adapter listed in the Connection dropdown menu? You need to choose it from there.
Glenn Noonan In my connection drop down all I have is
WiFi or Ethernet
bluetooth incoming port
thats all
Glenn Noonan I’ve tried them both
Glenn Noonan I got it!
Bill Tschumy Great.
Keiron Smith Hi Glenn,
Did you finally connect by using a "USBserial" option in your Connection Type drop down menu?
Glenn Noonan I’d been using the cables on a pc with no problems. I just plug them together.
Couldnt figure out wh I had no connection with th3 mac. Btw it’s my first Mac.
When you mentioned the usb drop down I realized the Mac wasn’t seeing the serial adapter. Didn’t know that with the Mac I had to load a driver for it to be visible.
Loaded the driver and bingo, there usb was in the drop down list
your hind was what I needed
Glenn Noonan Hint
Keiron Smith An excellent result, Glenn! Enjoy SkySafari on macOS!
Lance McKinzie Bill, my iPhone X connects to SkyFi 3 but SkyFi 3 cannot detect AstroPhysics Mach one goto. I’m using a USB A to RS232 Serial. Do I need Serial to Serial?
Bill Tschumy You cannot use a USB-toSerial cable with SkyFi. Those all require drivers to work and you can't install drivers on the SkyFi. You will need serial-to-serial. You should check with AP for the correct cable to use. A "generic" serial cable is unlikely to work.
Lance McKinzie Straight serial Cable from AP works perfectly. Thank you sir.