Hello All!
I'm new to this forum and I need some help with issues that I am having with my setup.
My current setup is noted above in the title: SkySafari 6 Pro on an iPhone X with the latest software, using SkyFi 3 on a Takahashi EM-11 Temma 2Z Mount . I am currently having issues with the "go to" function within SkySafari, accuracy within slewing and a runaway mount. Things to note: I have the latest iteration of SkySafari, I have an iPhone X on the latest software, I have Skyfi 3 on the latest firmware. I do not have any issues with the mount - without skyfi 3 attached. I do not have any issues with connection between skysafari and skyfi3 and the mount. Connections are solid and NOT intermittent.
1. GO TO: Firstly, when using the 'go to' function within SkySafari, the scope moves in the opposite direction quite often (50/50). There are two different types of scenarios that I've continually encountered: 1. When the 'go to' function is used, the scope moves in the opposite direction and sky safari shows that it is slewing to the target; 2.When the 'go to' function is used, the scope moves in the opposite direction and sky safari shows that it is moving away from the target - meaning that it is showing what the scope is pointed towards relatively accurately.
2. ACCURACY: the 'go to' function seems to be consistently off by approximately 1.5 degrees - is there a way to make this process more accurate?
3. RUNAWAY: occasionally, the mount seems to runaway. I've noticed this issue in other forums as well - (i.e. cloud nights)