I recently purchased the SkyBT. Everything works very well. But I have noted one oddity that I cannot explain and is not in the manual. I was wondering if you could help me:
When I power my SkyBT with batteries, it is as normal. However, when I connect it with a 5V cord (4.0mm OD x 1.7mm ID), the blue light turns on, sometimes intermittently. In general, the light goes on for 3-5 seconds, then turns off for one second, and goes back on for 3-5 seconds and so on. I cannot figure out what this means, but the blue light is bright enough that it is an issue at night.
I understand that the blue light might have something to do with the batteries. However, my batteries are not low. They are fully charged (rechargeable). Plus, the light only comes on when it is connected to the 5V cord. I have tried it using several different 5V cords as well, all the right fit. So, it is very puzzling to me.
Does the blue light indicate both (1) low battery as mentioned before but also (2) a fully charged battery? I noticed that if I let the device run the rechargeable batteries down a bit, and then I plug it in, the blue light is not present and takes some time to turn on. In this case, it seems like the blue light is a warning telling me to unplug the device or else the batteries will overcharge. If so, I like it! Let me know if I am wrong, however.
Thank you for your help,