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Operation of SkySafari 6 Pro with Mac iPad and push-to Dob on an equatorial platform.

This inquiry is similar, in that it involves the question a particular operation concerning my push-to 16” Dob, coupled with an encoder driven Sky Commander DSC unit, a firmware upgraded SkyFi 3, commuting with my my upgraded Mac iOS iPad, running SkySafari Pro 6 software, being able to handle the retention of accurate sky coordinates after a manual reset of my equatorial platform? I am dearly hoping that is so, instead of having to continually make a two-star (or multiple) re-alignment of my scope at every reset! 


If my concept of the relationship of Sky Commander to SkyFi is anywhere near to being correct, I would think such should work, with the idea that if Sky Commander internally retains and maintains the coordinates when reset, that such should also pass on to SkyFi through the cable connection and SkyFi would continue to read the correct settings WiFiing to SkySafari - that is unless Sky Commander retains the coordinates only for its own calculations and read-out on its screen, without forwarding any such through its output(!!!) Is there anyone out there aware of, or know of of any experience of others about this particular kind of set-up?

1 comment

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    Bill Tschumy

    Neither Tim nor I have experience using SkySafari on an equatorial platform.  However, I believe you only have to align on a single star after a platform reset in order to reestablish the pointing model.

    Hopefully someone with an equatorial platform can chime in here.

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